Our Partnership

Whilst our grants are normally made as a result of a successful formal application, the Directors of The James Frizelle Charitable Foundation may make grants otherwise in response to an identified need or opportunity. Please read this section carefully to ensure your eligibility for a grant prior to your application. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please email or call us and we would be pleased to provide further assistance. Please note that due to the increasing need for assistance to charities we may only be able to partially support your application if successful.


  • Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status:
    The James Frizelle Charitable Foundation can only make grants to organisations which have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 status.
    A copy of your Endorsement Notification from the Australian Taxation Office will be required prior to any funding.
  • Benefit:
    You must be an Australian Charity providing benefit for Australian citizens permanently residing in Australia only.
  • Location:
    Grants are primarily considered for local initiatives (Gold Coast and Northern NSW Regions) that assist people in need, however we will consider grants outside of the local region for natural disasters and emergencies, where they align with our mission.
  • Objectives:
    Organisations must meet the James Frizelle Charitable Foundation’s key objectives.
  • Outcome:
    All decisions are made by the Directors of The James Frizelle Charitable Foundation. Reasons for rejection may not necessarily be given.

Programs Funded:

There are seven programs funded. Your application should fit into one of these. Where more than one program may be applicable, please select that which has most relevance. If you are unsure which, please contact us prior to completion of your application. The programs are:

  • Community Health Grants:
    A Provision of health care services to those not necessarily cared for in the private or public system, particularly the special needs of senior citizens. To include promotion of a healthy lifestyle, eating well and assistance in recovery from illness.
  • Disadvantaged Grants:
    To provide support for those in the community, in particular the aged and infirm, facing physical or mental disability who are from low income backgrounds and lacking the financial resources to seek help from other sources. To support those projects that are inclusive of those with a disability providing services for others. Supporting the provision of food services to disadvantaged families. Supporting the provision of assistance dogs, equine and animal programs that provide independence, self-esteem, improved health and relationships to individuals and families.
  • Domestic Violence Grants:
    To assist those (victims and witnesses which are often children) who are experiencing domestic and family violence and to encourage those responsible to become accountable for their actions and commit to change. Our support also extends to the elderly suffering psychological and emotional abuse and any other form of elder abuse. To raise awareness in the community that domestic violence in any form is not acceptable.
  • Homelessness Grants:
    To support those, particularly the elderly and frail without regular accommodation and facilities to help maintain their dignity by providing emotional support and counselling, temporary accommodation, health services, financial counselling, laundry services, meals, shower facilities and any other service that assists to improve their quality of life.
  • Housing and Accommodation Grants:
    Providing housing and accommodation to the disadvantaged, sick, parents from remote communities who need to be near a sick immediate family member whilst in hospital and spouses with children who have become homeless following domestic issues. This program also includes support with transport services for the ill and their families, particularly those living in rural communities.
  • Mental Health Grants:
    To provide support on the street for professional counselling where needed, to support schools with programs that address mental health issues as part of their education process and PTSD support which may also include assistance dogs/equine/animal interaction programs.
  • Natural Disaster Grants:
    All types of natural disaster relief will be considered including support of the volunteer brigades called upon in times of need particularly during fires and floods. Consideration is also given in this program to natural disasters occurring beyond the geographical boundaries normally supported.

Funding Rounds:

There are two main Funding Rounds per Program per calendar year. There is one Small Grants Round per calendar year. There may be emergency and disaster funding made available at varying times.

First Round:
  • Opens 1st February.
  • Applications close 28th February.
  • Click here for Grand Round Criteria.

Second Round:

  • Opens 1st August.
  • Applications close 31st August.
  • Click here for Grand Round Criteria.

Small Grants Round:

  • Opens 1st June.
  • Applications close 30th June.
  • Applications accepted for a maximum of $10,000 for projects with a total cost of no more than $50,000.
  • Click here for Grand Round Criteria.
Emergency and Disaster Funding Rounds:
We understand that natural disasters can happen at any time. Should you require support outside of our normal funding rounds please contact us at grants@jamesfrizelle.org.au.


Applications that fall into the following categories will not be considered:
  • Overseas aid of any sort.
  • Retrospective funding.
  • Schools, Universities, Hospitals or research therein.
  • Medical Research.
  • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation and support.
  • Any previous application which has not been successful will not be re-considered.
  • The James Frizelle Charitable Foundation will not necessarily support requests for recurring assistance.
  • Charities making the application must be involved directly, not as an in between party. They must run the project for which the grant is being sought.
  • Political Parties and Lobby Groups.


We respect your privacy but wish to share “good news” stories and the wonderful work your organisation is doing with others so that they too can be inspired to help out our fellow Australians. As such, successful applicants for grants agree that their details can be used on The James Frizelle Charitable Foundation website. At no time will details be distributed to mailing lists or any such marketing media.

Our full Privacy Statement can be found here.