Baby Give Back - Safe Start
A not-for-profit, volunteer based Gold Coast Charity believing that every baby deserves an equal and safe start to life. For some new parents the reality they face is agonising over whether to buy nappies or food for their child as they simply can’t afford both. The Safe Start program provides emergency packs to vulnerable families in collaboration with maternity hospitals and social service agencies. The Foundation grant of $129,825.00 spread over 3 years (2021; 2022; 2023) will assist in funding for the Varsity Lakes warehouse. This space is critical for Baby Give Back’s work and enables them, together with their volunteers, to collect, sort, clean and safety check essential baby items donated to them from the local community and dispatch these items to vulnerable children and families (via their caseworker or social worker).
Byron Youth Service - The Pavement Project
A not-for-profit charity committed to providing services for young people between the ages of 12 -24 years. Our Foundation Grant of $150,000.00 spread over 3 years (2021; 2022; 2023) funds The Pavement Project, a street-based project reaching the most disadvantaged youth in Byron Shire. Youth Workers support young people living with mental heath issues (such as anxiety, depression), PTSD (after experiencing traumatic events such as domestic violence), and impacted by risk of homelessness to shift their lives onto safer trajectories and brighter futures. The annual project budget is double the original 2019/2020 pilot project funded by our Foundation, to assist 24 young people a year, providing participants with access to counseling, life-skills and personal care resources, family support services and experiential circuit breaker activities that offer a turning point to better lives.
Cerebral Palsy Alliance - Babies At Risk Program
Cerebral Palsy is the most common disability in childhood resulting from damage to the brain during pregnancy or shortly after birth. Half of all children with CP also have an intellectual impairment. A third cannot walk, a quarter cannot talk, and three quarters experience chronic pain. Babies at Risk program provides 20 hours of specialised intervention therapy for individual babies identified as being at risk of cerebral palsy (CP). This targeted, time-critical therapy supports cognitive, communication and motor development, giving vulnerable infants the best chance to achieve optimal outcomes over their lifetimes. Our Foundation Grant of $44,100.00 spread over 3 years (2021; 2022; 2023) will allow 3 at risk babies each year from south-eastern Queensland and northern NSW regions to benefit from 20 hours of therapy each, delivered by CPA’s highly skilled team of occupational-, speech- and physiotherapists based in Alstonville. Receiving no government funding, CPA is the only organisation responding in this way to babies at risk of CP who are not already in the hospital system.
Gold Coast Hospital Foundation - Cancer Patient Transport Service
The Gold Coast Hospital Foundation is a locally-based community organisation receiving no government funding, striving to relieve medical hardship caused by illness, injury or disability. One of their key operational objectives is to provide free transport to over 600 cancer patients each year to attend treatment appointments. Once diagnosed, the journey of ongoing cancer treatment is confronting, exhausting and convoluted. Frequent attendance at the hospital for specialist appointments, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy treatment and blood tests are demanding for the patient, their family and friends and the impact of cancer does not affect the patient alone. Patients are picked up from their homes, delivered to the hospital for their treatment and then returned home. The Service consists of 3 vehicles, which combined, cover 7000 transfers per year and average 650 kms each day (Monday to Friday). Our Foundation grant of $90,000 spread over 3 years ($30,000.00 per annum) will help sustain this invaluable service to our community.
My Community Legal - Domestic Violence Project
My Community Legal focus is to provide free and accessible legal services, legal education and guidance, while also providing referrals where necessary. The Domestic Violence project is aimed at promote awareness, education, support and guidance. Knowing how much DV has increased in Australia and Queensland, My Community Legal understands how hard it is for victims to discuss their DV case with others to receive the support they need. The Project aims to provide the assistance victims need through training for their staff, events and social media posts to raise awareness of the issues we face as a community. Staffed by volunteer legal practitioners, university legal students and senior volunteers, ongoing planning, organising and providing volunteering staff with the required training and skills needed to help clients suffering from DV related matters. With volunteer numbers constantly growing, this project will allow My Community Legal to keep staff trained to help our community with their DV cases while also providing them with legal support and evidence. A Foundation Grant of $24,600.00 spread over 3 years (2121, 2022, 2023) will ensure continuity of free legal advice.
My Community Legal - Mental Health Support Project
My Community Legal focus is to provide free and accessible legal services, legal education and guidance, while also providing referrals where necessary. The mental health first aid training for all or most of the volunteers, whether they are practitioners or our student/senior volunteers that help clients daily, to provide better support and assistance to those in need. Additionally, the project will create events that will allow people from our community to gather and socialise, which will provide those in need with the ability to talk to others and help increase their sense of belonging to the community help battle mental illness. A Foundation Grant of $24,600.00 spread over 3 years (2121, 2022, 2023) will ensure continuity of free legal advice.
Our Kids
Our Kids primary focus is to improve medical care for sick, chronically ill and disadvantaged children in the Northern Rivers region. The Our Kids Community Grants (open for applications in June/July each year), allows families or community groups of the Northern Rivers who care for chronically ill, special needs or sick disadvantaged children to apply to Our Kids to purchase items which can be demonstrated provide medical or therapeutic assistance that the NDIS doesn’t fund to individual children or groups of children like feeding formula, orthotics, therapeutic equipment, paediatric medical equipment (syringe pumps etc), mobility aids and play equipment etc. Not only helping with their medical care, the program assists in keeping the children at home and out of hospital, benefiting their quality of life. Without this funding the items wouldn’t get purchased or it would take the family some time to save to purchase the requested equipment. The maximum amount for a grant application is $2000 and Our Kids then purchases the equipment or items that have been approved and gives it to the patient. Our Foundation Grant of $60,000.00 spread over 3 years ($20,000.00 per year in 2021; 2022; 2023) will assist a minimum of 10 additional children living with special needs per year.
Retreat For Kids, The Sanctuary Women, Children & Pet Refuge - Shelter From The Storm
Within Australia, 1 woman per week is murdered, and 1 in 4 women have experienced emotional, physical, financial or other abuse by a current/former partner since the age of 15. The Gold Coast is NOT immune to these statistics. Opened in 2016, The Sanctuary Women, Children and Pet’s Refuge is a self-funded, non-for-profit charity. Receiving no Government funding, they rely on contributions from the community and volunteers to provide refuge for Domestic Violence residents for 3 months (whilst assisting them secure alternative accommodation) for 6 x DV single females + 7 x mums & 14 -16 children quarterly. This equates to saving the lives of 52 adult females and up to 60 children per year, giving them shelter, food, clothing, essentials and re-establishing their emotional stability, through counselling, health and personal development. Depending on individual needs, intensive on site domestic violence and other counselling (one on one and group) is provided. Our Foundation’s grant of $225,000.00 spread over 3 years (2021, 2022, 2023) support the on-site full time, qualified Councillor and part time Support Worker providing access/support to external community and specialist services ie: Government support, disability employment services, school enrolments, returning to work or accessing job network providers as well as access to a full range of medical services etc.
Top Blokes Foundation - Gold Coast Mentoring for boys & young men
Top Blokes Foundation is a social-education organisation that improves the mental health, emotional resilience and community engagement of at-risk and disadvantaged young males aged 10-24. Top Blokes Mentoring Programs strengthen the mental health of young males while improving their engagement within the wider community. The programs (Stepping Up, Junior Top Blokes and Building Blokes) will be delivered within primary school/high school/ community of the Gold Coast , totalling 132 workshops, engageing 120 young males and completing 2,160 mentoring hours. 120 Participatants will engage in weekly interactive workshops on topics such as: Mental Health, Risk-Taking and Peer Pressure, Respectful Relationships, Understanding Masculinity, Anger Management, Online Behaviour and Consequences. A Foundation Grant of $50,000.00 spread over 2 years (2021; 2022) was provided towards the cost of delivering the 6-month mentoring and social education program, proven to improve young male mental health by 83%, antisocial behaviour by 72% and increases engagement to education by 79%.
Autism Camp Australia - Helping Hands Program
Autism Camp Australia (ACA) has developed a program of functional capacity and resilience building activities to improve the health and wellbeing of autistic young people and their families as a direct response to a need within the community, filling a critical gap in services. ACA’s Helping Hands Program provides sponsored participation at ACA camps for financially disadvantaged families of autistic young people. A Foundation Grant of $30,000.00 will sponsor one family with an autistic child per camp, to attend one of the 10-12 Byron Bay Autism Camps held per year.
Baptist Union of NSW - Creating Safe Spaces
A Foundation Grant of $14,500.00 towards the Creating Safe Spaces Northern Rivers project to embed victim-focused, trauma-informed responses to domestic violence victims across the region. Our funding will directly provide 10 workshops, training up to 300 participants across the Northern Rivers region to increase church and community groups’ capacity to respond to domestic violence and child safety issues. To reduce DFV, church and community leaders in the Northern Rivers need support to identify appropriate referral points and make necessary culture changes. The project also seeks to develop a community of practice to enhance the work’s sustainability beyond the time frame of the project. Creating Safe Spaces training addresses cultural change in church community contexts, using engaging adult learning models and facilitated scenario-based discussions including a specific focus on domestic violence, elder abuse and power dynamics underpinning these issues.
Burrumbuttock Hay Runners - Hay run to outback Qld
Since 2014 the inspiring leadership of Brendan Farrell, OAM, has coordinated, organized led from the front, participated in and completed the Australia Day Hay Run. Marshalling over 200-300 trucks/trailers, donations from businesses, Rotary Clubs, other organisations and supporters to move donated hay, (and sometimes having to purchase hay), to assist farmers by feeding drought/flood/fire affected livestock. Volunteer truckies from all over Australia provide their time and trucks at no cost to deliver the hay free of charge. To the drivers and supporters, the Hay Runs are not just about delivering supplies, but about looking after the mental health of struggling farmers. Personal contact saves lives in country areas. Our Foundation Grant of $100,000.00 was provided towards the fuel cost (total fuel cost $300,000) of 300 prime movers and 500 trailers to transport donated hay (rescheduled due to Covid) to western Qld in July.
Byron Bay Herb Nursery - Respectful Relationships & Cultural Competence
A not-for-profit disability service charity that provides employment and training opportunities to local people with intellectual disabilities in the Northern Rivers Region allowing them to have and maintain control of the decision-making, planning and sustainable development of their own business in an environment that encourages skill development, independence, dignity, teamwork, continuous improvement and the production of a quality product. A Foundation grant of $24,500 provided to develop training and education practice and a work culture which supports employees to develop relationships characterised by equality, respect and free from violence. The project will also provide Cultural competence training to employees to give them the ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact with people across cultures to gain an awareness of one’s own world view, developing positive attitudes towards cultural differences and gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and world views
Friends with Dignity- Wilkinson/Carroll Family Transport Vehicle
A victim of unthinkable domestic violence, the horrific murder on April 20 2021 of Kelly Wilkinson at the hands of her estranged husband who set her alight at her home on the Gold Coast left the beautiful, close knit Wilkinson & Carroll families shattered. Kelly’s 3 children (all under 9 yrs of age) will be cared for by her sister Danielle Carroll & her husband Rhys in addition to their own five children. 3 young children had their mum taken from them; a father – his daughter; sisters- their sibling; nieces & nephews- their aunt; extended family & friends – a shining light; and a local community mourning for both Kelly and her family. Our Foundation was honoured, when asked if could help the newly merged family of 10 try and piece together their lives and find some sense of normality by providing them a new vehicle capable of transporting the entire family and our Foundation Grant of $66,200.00 purchased a new 12 seat Toyota Hiace Bus for them.
Gunawirra Ltd - Art Therapy, Jarjum children
A Foundation Grant of $18,653.00 will fund a program designed to equip indigenous children with art tools for healing trauma and strengthening their cultural identity. This will benefit 40 preschool children aged 2 to 5 years at Jarjum Preschool Centre near East Lismore. Arts Therapy will promote connection to place by resurrecting ancestral practices. It will introduce the children to ochre painting, craft material, murals, Aboriginal motifs, drawings, storylines, songlines and costumes. This will provide an emotional outlet for the children and develop their fine motor skills. We plan to engage an Art Therapist who is experienced with trauma and Aboriginality for monthly visits.
Human Nature Adventure Therapy Ltd - New Headquarters
Human Nature’s primary focus is to empower young people to navigate life’s challenges – transforming trauma and disadvantage into healing and growth through innovative, accessible professional mental health outreach . A grant of $17,780.00 was provided to support the establishment and launch of the Human Nature headquarters and community hub in Ballina where young people across the Northern Rivers region can more easily access holistic, nature-connected mental health and wrap-around support services and programs. Setup will include a welcoming, youth-friendly counselling and workshop/activity spaces that will also be made available to the local non-profit community and development of a new website where young people and their carers can access important information about support available for maintaining their mental wellbeing.
Palm Beach Share & Care - Meals On Wheels Delivery Vehicle
A not-for-profit charity providing fresh and frozen meals to the elderly locals of the Gold Coast. Generous Volunteers (often driving their own vehicle)s, or one of the 17+ year old charity vehicles deliver meals throughout the service area. For the safety of our volunteer drivers and the wellbeing of the elderly members of our community that rely on the Meals On Wheels Service, a Foundation Grant of $25,000.00 was provided towards the cost of purchasing a new Mitsubishi Express van.
Ronald McDonald House SEQ
$50,000.00 funded by the Foundation in support of seriously ill children and their families through accommodation and support services at the Gold Coast University Hospital in order to keep families together when life gets turned upside down due to a child’s illness. The Newborn Family Room provides 2 ensuited parents bedrooms, kitchen stocked with essential items, bathroom and laundry amenities with complimentary toiletry packs for resident parents, a cosy lounge with a TV, computer and internet facilities and a children’s play space with toys and activities. The Children’s Ward Family Room is a refuge with stocked kitchen, bathroom and laundry facilities, a cosy lounge with a TV and a children’s play space with toys and activities.
Rosies Youth Mission Inc- Friends of the Street
A not-for-profit charity providing Rosies connecting with people in need, who are homeless, at risk, or socially isolated. Street vans provide outreach services from Southport through to Burleigh Heads. The acquisition and fit out of a Rosies van to better service the Gold Coast and to expand our outreach program into communities where they are needed. A Foundation Grant of $10,000.00 was provided towards the cost of purchasing a replacement van.
Variety Qld - Variety Kids Sports Camps
Responding to parental concerns about a lack of opportunity in Queensland for kids with disabilities to trial sporting activities, Variety currently provides a free, safe and informative Gold Coast Sports Camp to 50 Kids. At the camp, children aged 6-15 years, with the help of mentors, try a range of sports over 3-days/2-nights. At Camp they build self-confidence, make new friends and also learn about nutrition, resilience and wellness. Adults with disabilities, including several Paralympians, attend to share their experiences and provide mentorship. A Foundation Grant of $30,000.00 was provided in order to increase the number of free attendees by 25 – to 75.
Wounded Heroes - Homeless Heroes
A not-for-profit, volunteer based charity. First and foremost Wounded Heroes strives to prevent the suicide of those veterans that have lost all hope. Homeless Heroes provides front-line emergency financial assistance to fund short-term crisis accommodation and emergency food, phone, fuel and transport for homeless current Australian Defence Force personnel, veterans, and their families. Providing a ‘Housing First’ policy, allows engagement with the veteran/spouse, leading to acceptance of assistance and if required support through Wounded Heroes network of clinics and (sought in partnership with DVA) their entitlements. In 2019 Homeless Heroes supported 212 veterans, taking approx 6-8 weeks until permanent housing is sourced, at an average cost of $2,000 per veteran. Over the past 3 years, 68% of homeless veterans Homeless Heroes have engaged, funded, supported and provided with crisis accommodation/welfare, have been on the Gold Coast/Tweed region. A Foundation grant of $60,000.00 was made to assist Homeless Heroes’ crisis support of the veterans and current ADF personnel in our community in the 2020-2021 financial year.
OrangeSky Australia - Gold Coast & Nth Rivers Laundry & Shower Service
OrangeSky’s two hybrid laundry and shower vehicles on the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers currently provide free laundry, warm showers and non-judgemental conversation to people experiencing disadvantage throughout the region. The Gold Coast service is operated by 85 rostered volunteers, operating 12 weekly shifts across the city and since January 2016, has facilitated 12,971 loads of laundry, 113 hot showers and enabled 19,545 hours of genuine and non-judgemental conversations. The relatively new Northern Rivers service is currently operated by 36 rostered volunteers, operating 5 weekly shifts across the region and since commencing in February 2020, has facilitated 251 loads of laundry, 98 hot showers and enabled 644 hours of genuine and non-judgemental conversations. The Foundation’s funding of $300,000.00 spread over 3 years (2021; 2022; 2023) will provide funding for ongoing vehicle operating costs, recruitement and training of additional volunteers to increase the number and location of shifts across both regions.
OzHarvest Limited - Gold Coast & Tweed Heads
Established in 2013, OzHarvest is a not for profit charity that addresses food insecurity by supplying over 65 charities with free, nutritious meals and fresh produce for the vulnerable people in their care including the homeless, single parent families, and socially isolated pensioners (who are at statistically higher risk of poor health and wellbeing outcomes). Three OzHarvest Gold Coast vans operate “food rescue” and “drop-off” activites at least six days per week, including outside of business hours and on weekends. Our Foundation grant of $175,000.00 spread over 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022) will provide 150,000 meals to our local community through OzHarvest.
Safe Haven Community - Safe Hub
A Foundation grant of $88,000.00 spread over 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022) to set up premises near the Southport Domestic Violence (DV) courthouse. The purpose of these premises is have a Head Office and to offer women support services when attending court, to help them complete forms, history and evidence. To provide a safe place to be before and after their court appearance and where required volunteers will accompany them to and/or from the courthouse and help them with financial literacy education and access to computer resources and to bring awareness to our crisis accommodation service if they need it. Ongoing costs for to engage specialist counselling, life coaching, well being programs and professional support.
TAD - Solving Challenges & Reaching Goals in Ballina, Byron Bay, Lismore
A Not -For-Profit charity, TAD changes the lives of people living with a disability by providing personalised technology, equipment and services. TAD’s core workforce consists of over 80 skilled volunteers who donate thousands of hours to designing, building and modifying hundreds of diverse items every year to help people of any age and any disability achieve their goals. The Solving Challenges & Reaching Goals project will connect eligible clients of the Northern Rivers with a TAD volunteer, who will carry out an assessment of their needs and design a piece of assistive equipment with input from the client, their support network and the TAD Occupational Therapist (OT). Assessments take place regionally and for those who cannot make face-to-face can avail of our telehealth assessment. A Foundation grant of $30,000.00 spread over 3 years (2020; 2021; 2022) will allow approximately 10 people from the Northern Rivers community lead more independent lives and allow them to achieve their functional goals.
Whiskey's Wish - Training Co-ordination Gold Coast Region
Veteran Scott Jackman served with 8/9 RAR, deployed to both East Timor & Afghanastan & was medically discharged suffering major depression and PTSD after falling down a cliff in Afghanastan and suffering back/neck/shoulder injuries. When Scott’s dear friend, loyal companion, true mate and Assistance dog Whiskey, passed away from inoperable cancer in October 2014 leaving Scott devastated Whiskey’s Wish was created in his honor, to help other veterans; first responders & correctional officers who suffer from PTSD & service related injuries train their own dog to become a task trained Service Dog to assist in their rehabilitation. 18-24 months training of both handler and their dog is required to obtain certification allowing the dog to accompany their person in public places as an accommodation for the person’s disability. Our Foundation grant of $34,500.00 spread over 3 years (2020; 2021; 2022) will provide weekly training for 40 weeks a year for recipients of the Gold Coast/Tweed/Northern Rivers to come together on the Gold Coast for group training and certification of their own Service Dog.
Animal Therapies Ltd - Treating self care needs of unpaid Carers
Carers are often often overlooked and they can become burned out and unwell in the task of constantly caring for those that need them and after paying for therapy for the people they care for, there is often little left to tend to their own needs. $24,480.00 to provide registered counsellor therapy to 3 groups of 8 unpaid carers with 6 weeks of 90-minute sessions for resident carers of the Gold Coast, Tweed and Northern Rivers. Support provided utilising equine-assisted therapy, art therapy, group therapy, mindfulness techniques, yoga and social interaction.
Australian Aphasia Association Ltd - Aphasia Camp
A little-known condition, Aphasia is a chronic impairment of language (talking, understanding, reading, writing) caused by stroke, brain injury, or brain tumour. Although it does not impact intelligence, it s devastating effects significantly interferes with everyday life, including maintaining friendships, returning to work, participating in leisure activities, ordering meals, paying bills, leading to social isolation. It is estimated that 1500 people live with aphasia after stroke on the Gold Coast and currently only two small aphasia support groups. Speech pathologists are the key professionals who provide guidance and therapy. $26,250.00 to provide 20 Gold Coast Aphasia suffers and their partner to participation in (free of charge), the 1st ever, 3 day national Aphasia camp held on the Gold Coast. Led by Emeritus Professor Linda Worrall (qualified speech pathologist) therapy activities delivered by volunteer speech pathology students include:- computer-based group speech therapy sessions; conversation groups, communication training for partners, mental health and access of local support services workshops; Aphasia-friendly leisure activities and a showcase event demonstrating the achievements of participants.
CareFlight - Patient Transport Service (northern NSW) Power Loader
CareFlight medical teams, operating their Patient Transport Service currently annually transport over 1,000 regional patients p/annum from Northern NSW to major hospitals so they can receive vital care using a fleet of road vehicles and planes. To ensure the safe transportation of patients (resulting in the best health outcomes), patients are transported on electric stretchers between hospitals and to properly secure an electric stretcher, a device called a power loader must be fitted to the floor of a Patient Transport Vehicle. To bridge the gap between rural/remote area services and those provided in major cities, $24,537.00 was needed to retrofit a power loader onto the floor of the Northern NSW Patient Transport Vehicle to allow medical teams to load/unload the electric stretcher safely.
Country Hope Trust - Riverina Car Rally
The Riverina Car Rally (launched in 2017) is the main source of income for not-for-profit organisation Country Hope Trust which recieves no government funding provides each child and their family with the individual support they need whilst caring for a child who has been diagnosed with cancer or other life threatening illnesses including specifically tailored financial, practical and emotional support throughout the child’s journey. A $10,000.00 grant was provided to bridge the gap left by the bushfires in the area.
Choice Passion Life - Ballina - New Centre Resource
Previously known as the Cerebral Palsy League, a profit-for-purpose organisation that provides vital support to more than 5,000 children and adults with disabilities in Queensland and Northern NSW changed their name to CPL which stands for Choice, Passion and Life – a sentiment that reflects everything they do. $12,202.00 was provided in support of the centres relocation to larger premises. The purchase of new client furniture and recreational equipment, specifically Boccia equipment, to ensure CPL Ballina can accommodate the number of current and new clients requesting disability services, as well as, create new opportunities for people with disability to participate in the sport of Boccia in the Ballina area and surrounds.
Choice Passion Life - PODD Communication Project
Previously known as the Cerebral Palsy League, a profit-for-purpose organisation that provides vital support to more than 5,000 children and adults with disabilities in Queensland and Northern NSW changed their name to CPL which stands for Choice, Passion and Life – a sentiment that reflects everything they do. $24,892.00 was provided to support the purchase of a 1 complete set of Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) communication books and provides Speech Therapists with advanced PODD training to develop knowledge and skills for choice of PODD tailored to individual client needs at the Allied Health Varsity Lakes centre.
Dementia Australia - Blokes in a Caring Role – supporting male dementia carers on the Gold Coast
Dementia is Australia’s greatest single contributor to burden of all disease due to disability. It affects the brain, thinking, behaviour and daily-task-ability for 459,000 Australians. The long-term physical, mental, intellectual and sensory impairments seriously hinder quality-of-life. Dementia can start at 20 years, is terminal and is a crushing diagnosis. An estimated 11,378 people living on the Gold Coast currently live with a terminal dementia diagnosis. 61% of these are women, there is a resulting increased reliance on male carers in their home. $65,250.00 was provided to the Mudgeeraba based Dementia Australia specialist to deliver eight programs, each consisting of 4-weekly, three-hour group session, plus additional individual support for 64 male carer’s, to better support the people they care for living-with-dementia, and their families on the Gold Coast.
Domestic Violence Prevention Centre - Facilities/Furnishings
Increasing the safety and wellbeing of women, young people and children who have experienced domestic and family violence DVPC provides through support, information, advocacy and awareness raising. Wanting them to all to feel welcome, safe and respected attending the centre, $10,000.00 was provided to contribute to the the creation of a an inviting and aesthetically pleasing space for the women and fun and fresh for the children.
Feros Care/Be Someone For Someone - In Great Company
Imagine being so alone that you didn’t know if your voice would work anymore. Sadly, this is the reality for many lonely and isolated elderly in our community. $42,700.00 was provided to enable the hand selection of up to 50 thoroughly screened and tested volunteers partnering them with 50 elderly, lonely people who they will visit in their homes or residential villages each week, across Gold Coast/NSW Far North Coast, (including rural/remote areas), for chats, games and activities, trips to local groups and social activities to develop confidence, to re-engage with their community and re-kindle old interests.
Gold Coast Hospital Foundation - AmbIT Continuous Pump Infusions for Loan
One-year-old twins Louis and Theo Hankey currently spend every second day in hospital for life-saving infusions. The twins have spent more days in Gold Coast University Hospital than at home in their first year of life due to a rare genetic condition – congenital nephrotic syndrome, a kidney condition that begins in infancy and typically leads to irreversible kidney failure by early childhood. $2,500.00 was provided to purchase AmbIT Continuous infusion pumps for the boys to use at home instead of hospital visits meaning the family can achieve their dreams of a normal home-life and holidaying to see family in northern Queensland.
Grow Australia - Get Growing – Youth Wellbeing Program
Get Growing (GG) isa youth-based in-school program based on teaching skills and tools to develop and maintain social and emotional wellbeing. An early intervention strategy that sets youth up with life skills to manage mental ill health and recovery. GG has four key objectives: provide a safe space, develop positive self-concept and self-acceptance, increase confidence, social skills and communication and the ability to self-reflect and change unhelpful behaviours, thinking and relationships. $15,000.00 was provided to begin delivering Get Growing into schools in Gold Coast – Northern Rivers region identified as at-risk areas to improve resilience of individuals and empower schools and communities to thrive.
Healing Hooves - Facility upgrade.
Healing Hooves brings Horses with Special Needs and Humans with Special Needs together to find Compassion, Empathy, Connection and Purpose. Therapeutic programs are provided for those living with Disability and/or Mental Health Disorders. Funding of $16,000.00 was provided to assist in the construction of a new driveway, paths & undercover area, to install both water and power installation to the facility and for new secure fencing for the horses.
Hearts Of Purple - Operation Family Project.
The 2017 brutal murder by her ex husband (who then commited suicide) of Teresa Bradford whilst she was sleeping in her Gold Coast home, leaving their 4 children as orphans outraged the community. After assisting the children and family of Teresa through the months, a dedicated group of volunteers from various walks of life, with various personal stories of abuse and growth after escaping came together to form Hearts of Purple to provide practical support to ensure the safety and security of past and present victims of domestic violence. $25,000.00 was provided to purchase 25 Duress Alarm Watches as an extra support tool for high risk victims. Provided to victims who are in extreme danger of life-threatening violence and supported by a 24/7 monitoring centre (also linked to the victim’s individual personal safety plan), the watch has a simple 2 step activation, 2 buttons trigger an immediate coordinated response by Police and predesignated contacts. Once the buttons are pressed, it starts a live audio recording with a GPS/WIFI locator so the victim can easily be located.
Human Nature Adventure Therapy - Reaching more young people
Human Nature’s primary focus is to empower young people to navigate life’s challenges – transforming trauma and disadvantage into healing and growth through innovative, accessible professional mental health outreach . Often young people most in need of mental health support don’t receive it due to lack of access to services, transportation and stigma. Human Nature’s Activ8 program overcomes these barriers, bringing innovative mental health support to young people living in the Northern Rivers region. Our Foundation’s grant of $20,000.00 towards the cost of an additional new vehicle will enable the Adventure Therapists and Therapeutic Mentors to head out to meet with young people in the community delivering outreach mental health support to 100+ young people across the Northern Rivers region over the next year.
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia - Mates Connect
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in the Gold Coast region and has among the poorest prostate cancer survival rates in the country. Over 600 men will be diagnosed this year and at least 120 of these men will experience clinically significant anxiety and depression associated with their illness. All men diagnosed with prostate cancer face a 70% increased risk of suicide. The Foundation’s funding of $25,000.00 will contribute to providing Phone-based support to around 600 newly diagnosed Gold Coast men with up to four telephone sessions with a specially trained Mates Connect volunteer; specialised online training and workshops and peer support program (survivors who have been through prostate cancer), to reduce risks of mental illness and improve quality of life outcomes for men and their families.
Raise Foundation - Gold Coast Youth Mentoring program
Our Foundation’s grant of $15,000.00 will provide Benowa High School with 350+ hours of in-person mentoring to support 15+ at-risk youth. Community mentors from the Gold Coast area will provide individual support, over 22 weeks, to boys and girls (ages 14-16) to improve their resilience, self-confidence, relationships at home and school and hope for the future which in turn allows them to re-engage socially and educationally and achieve their full potential.
Riding for the Disabled Coonabarabran- Drought Relief
A Foundation grant of $5,050.00 was provided to reverse the effects of recent prolonged drought conditions and bushfires in Western NSW have caused the need for and minor repairs to the RDA Coonabarabran main a hall, toilet blocks, stables, work sheds, stabling yards and arena. As the RDA charter requires all equipment utilised in the activities of our handicapped members to be in first class condition, repairs & painting to guttering on club buildings, and ramp safety rail are needed, along with replacement Riding Programme resources & outdoor picnic table and chairs.
Salt Care - Salt Food Storage
Providing relief to 1100+ people within the Shoalhaven who are experiencing food insecurity and financial stress as a result of the 2019/2020 Currowan bushfires which damaged approx 80 per cent of the land area of the Shoalhaven followed by 2020/2021 floods. A Foundation grant of $16,500.00 facilitated the purchase of urgently needed additional food and general storage at the homeless shelter in Nowra, a cool room to keep food fresh and alleviate spoilage at the Salt Store in Bomaderry and waste, and Safe Shelter Shoalhaven requiring a storage container for the storage of food and other shelter supplies.
St John's Crisis Centre- Theory of Change, Domestic Violence Assistance
A not-for-profit, volunteer based charity which offers a welcoming place for those seeking refuge from domestic violence, homelessness, or in need of emergency crisis assistance. Changes in demographics in St John’s service area has seen a large shift and increase in domestic violence issues from individuals, families, homeless and the elderly. A Foundation grant of $50,000.00 was provided towards costs of the Theory of Change project which seeks to aid victims of domestic violence with immediate & emergency support through rental costs, storage costs, school item support and technology assistance in conjunction with the main priority being that of providing the onsite services of a qualified social worker and a welfare worker.
Summer Foundation - Housing Brokerage Service
The Summer Foundation works to resolve the issue of young people living in Residential Aged Care by increasing access to high quality housing and support options. Hundreds of young Australians with disability enter aged care every year. Their lives are characterised by boredom, loneliness and grief, with 53% receiving a visit from a friend less than once a year. These are people who could live in the community if they were provided the right support at the right times. A Foundation grant of $50,000.00 was provided to expand HBS into the Northern Rivers and Tweed regions, to engage with Hospitals and Health Services (HHS), hospital discharge staff and relevant professionals and to provide capacity building for at least 45 professionals to conduct a housing search based on the person’s needs and preferences, Present a range of quality housing options and information back to the person’s team.
The Carers Foundation - WHO CARES? for Carers Project
The Carers Foundation is a not-for profit, volunteer run organisation that works to prevent health crisis breakdown in unpaid family carers by providing wellness programs to support their physical, emotional and mental-health. Our Foundation’s $50,000.00 grant will provide 1 and 3 day FREE comprehensive wellness-programs for 50 Gold Coast/Tweed/Northern Rivers carers from as young as 12yo in the WHO Cares? project. Participants receive Accommodation/transport to venue (facilitated in a safe, tranquil, healing environment around the Gold-Coast-Hinterland); healthy nutritious meals onsite; professional-counselling; unique stress-management and mental-health resilience workshops; healing natural-therapies; educational workshops on self-care, nutrition, time management, mindfulness and develop a range of skills and strategies to all them to cope with care-responsibilities; creative and fun activities to allow them to relax and enjoy themselves -especially young-carers; inspirational-speakers to empower and give hope for their future; individual mental-health and wellness-care-plans, utilised when returning home and follow-up care online post-program.
The Uniting Church in Australia (Wesley Mission Qld) - A safe start to life – YHES House’s Young Parents Support Program
YHES House located in Southport, offers young parents and parents-to-be (most mothers are under 20, with some as young as 14) a non-judgmental peer support parenting and pregnancy education program to help them ensure their baby or young child thrives during the crucial early years of development – reducing the risk of entry into the child safety system or even premature death. In light of data about child deaths attributable to accidental injuries and a lack of parental safety awareness, A Foundation Grant of $8,465.00 will provide 10 mothers free access to the Safe Start To Life project which will offer vulnerable young parents vital practical skills, including first aid training, swimming lessons for their infant, as well as resilience and emotional wellbeing skills training workshop for themselves.
White Cloud Foundation - STRATUS Rural & Remote Tele-Mental Health
A not-for-profit organisation, the WCF mission is to provide practical support, easy access to treatment, and early intervention programs for people living with or at risk of developing depression and anxiety in its many forms. The lack of suitable mental health treatment options for people living in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia – home to some of the most vulnerable in our country, suicide rates in these communities are 50% higher than in metropolitan areas due to high levels of stress and low levels of services. Rural residents endure other stressors such as drought, flood, bushfires, and a lack of control of their economic security. Farmers face an additional set of unique stressors; for many, farming is all they’ve ever known so it’s an intrinsic part of their identity. Not only is the farm their workplace, but their home as well and have often belonged to the same family for generations, which adds to the pressure to make the business work. Our Foundation grant of $50,000.00 will provide Free, tele-mental health help via the STRATUS Integrated Practice Unit (IPU) in Brisbane, servicing rural and remote Queensland via video conferencing or telephone. Patients will not need a GP mental health plan to access the service and can be anonymous if they wish, whilst talking with multidisciplinary of Psychologists, social workers and dietitians who can provide clinical care at the early stages of depression and/or anxiety. The IPU team would then develop individualised treatment plans, monitor and manage their progress.
Friends with Dignity- Little Friends Scholarship Program
A volunteer based not-for-profit registered charity providing practical Programs gifted unconditionally to assist survivors of domestic violence rebuild their lives with purpose, dignity and hope in collaboration with refuge and crisis centres . The Little Friends Scholarship Program provides bi-annual monetary scholarships to children who have faced Domestic and Family Violence, to ensure all children have the ability to either further their education and/or be able to participate in extra-curricula activities that they may not be able to pursue due to the financial impact of Domestic Violence within their family environment. 2020-2021 is the 2nd year of our 3 year Foundation $20,000 per annum grant which will be distributed through the Little Friends scholarship program specifically to Gold Coast/Tweed/Northern Rivers recipients.
Gold Coast Community Fund
Established in early 2000, the not-for-profit, volunteer based Gold Coast Community Fund (GCCF) aims to relieve financial hardship which is determined on a case by case assessment of an individual beneficiary’s or charities genuine financial need. Relief of financial hardship may include assistance for people who are suffering from the effects of homelessness, sickness or from a disability, where, in each case, there is also financial need within the Statistical Area only of the Gold Coast. 2020-2021 is the 2nd year of our 3 year Foundation $100,000 per annum grant which is distributed amongst the GCCF Disadvantaged, Domestic Violence, Homelessness and Housing programs.
LifeFlight Foundation - LifeFlight Rescue
RACQ LifeFlight Rescue has been Queensland’s leading community helicopter service for the past 40 years providing emergency, lifesaving medical treatment to seriously ill and injured people. LifeFlight’s purpose has always been the same – to save lives and support Queenslanders during their time of need. This purpose is at the core of everything they do. Aeromedical care is a vital community service and delivering it is a high-cost proposition. The combination of highly skilled professionals, together with cutting edge helicopters fitted with advanced medical capabilities, requires sufficient funding to keep airborne conditional on 70% Qld Govt funding; 5% LifeFlight Profit for Purpose (LifeFlight Jet Air Ambulance/Coordination Centre/Training Academy/Indsutry partnership profits are directed back into LifeFlight Rescue) & 25% community support (via grants, community donations; appeals; sponsorship etc). 2020-2021 is the 2nd year of our 3 year Foundation grant of $25,000.00 per annum and will help keep LifeFlight in the skies over Queensland; working hard every minute of every day, to save lives.
St John's Crisis Centre
A not-for-profit, volunteer based charity, offering a welcoming place for those seeking refuge be it from domestic violence, homelessness, or in need of emergency crisis assistance. The Drop in Centre provides a hot meal, shower, laundry or bathroom facilities and the company of others in a warm and friendly surroundings. Offering a safe and dignified environment, the St John’s Welfare Office assists people in emergency or crisis situations, including families with young children. Hayley’s Cupboard has free non-perishable food items for those struggling to feed their families or themselves as well as household supplies, towels, linen and blankets, men’s, women’s and babies clothing, shoes and beanies. In some cases due to extreme hardship, grocery/fuel /phone/public transport cards/chemist cheques/emergency accommodation/limited contribution towards school costs may be provided. On site access to various organisations for help including the HHOT Team (Homeless health Outreach Team), Centrelink, Gold Coast Youth Service, Orange Sky, Uniting Care Community – Psychologist, Family Services Australia, Hair Dressers, Podiatrist, Dental Appointments and Narcotics Anonymous who meet twice a week on the premises. 2020-2021 is the 2nd year of our 3 year Foundation grant of $50,000.00 per annum to assist in ongoing service provision.
Variety Qld - Just Like You
Children and Young People with a Disability Australia (CYDA) 2019 national survey of education experiences of students with disability reported that 48% of students with a disability had experienced bullying – more than twice the rate of bullying it is estimated the general population of school aged children experience. As a consequence, students with disability experience long-term harm and sometimes opt to leave school or attend part-time because they feel they have no option. The Just Like You Project will bring 80 disability awareness workshops into 10 selected Gold Coast primary schools to engage young people in positive discussions about diversity, inclusion and social cohesion. These face-to-face workshops, presented by professional facilitators with a disability, are purposefully designed to educate school children by improving awareness, increasing knowledge and strengthening acceptance through empathy and understanding. The workshops are evidence-based, highly interactive and educationally effective. Students are engaged to reflect on their own roles and actions in their school and community, and promote inclusive behaviours in schools. 2020-2021 is the 2nd year of our 3 year Foundation grant of $25,000.00 per annum.
Wounded Heroes - Horses 4 Heroes
A not for profit, volunteer based charity. Horses 4 Heroes program was initially designed in 2017 for the Gallioili Barracks Soldier Recovery Centre Brisbane to assist referred current members of the Australian Army, Navy, & Airforce, suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/anxiety/depression and unable to return to work in the Australian Defence Force. 2020 will see the program expanded to include veterans and their spouse, operational 30-36 weeks a year and provided free of charge to all participants. The program draws together concepts of peer-support and equine therapy. Led by Vietnam Veteran Pete Riches the program (non-riding, ground work only) provides participants with a non-judgmental and positive environment to connect with a horse and enable recovery and rehabilitation. Medication fosters a passive experience, which is seen as the normal whereas interacting with such a powerful and spirited animal can instil a sense of self-worth and self-confidence particularly benefiting those who as a result of PTSD, often see themselves as powerless when dealing with every day events as well promoting physical, occupational, and emotional growth. 2020-2021 is the 2nd year of our 3 year Foundation grant of $40,000.00 per annum.
Northern Rivers Community Foundation
The NRCF is a community-based independent foundation that connects people and communities to tackle challenging social and environmental problems across the Northern Rivers region. Established in 2004, they are dedicated to improving the lives of those less fortunate, including those affected by economic circumstances, mental illness, disability, learning difficulties, aged services, domestic violence and homelessness. NRCF grants support a range of projects – from helping a local disability charity to purchase a new beach wheelchair, funding intervention and support programs for at risk youth, through to the re-establishment of a local food pantry wiped out by floods. 2020-2021 is the 2nd year of our 3 year Foundation’s $75,000 per annum. Individual grant recipients were:-
Ballina Shire Dementia-Friendly Community Alliance
$10,000.00 to the Ballina Shire Dementia-Friendly Community Alliance to assist people with dementia and carers by providing training to build digital literacy skills among our Ballina Shire Dementia Friendly Community (BSDFC) Alliance- Advisory Group, to reduce social isolation during COVID-19.
Byron Bay Community Association Inc (BBCA)
$5,000.00 to Byron Elders Online Connect – Mandatory social isolation and ongoing restrictions are severely impacting the wellbeing of Byron Shire seniors. This project mitigates that impact by delivering an outreach training program designed to increase the digital skills of Byron Shire seniors, thereby enabling them to maintain connection with friends, family, services and online resources.
Family Support Network
$5,000.00 to the Family Support Network and South Lismore Supported Playgroups will provide a concrete path and slab for the Health Food Education Project. Concrete pathways and a slab between the different vegetable patches and play area will provide access for all participants including those with physical disabilities. It also provides a flat dry space for the playgroup children to increase their cognitive and motor skills, agility, balance, coordination and to have fun with chalk drawing and many other activities. The property is located in a flood zone in South Lismore and advice from experts says a concrete slab and paths will provide the most stable and permanent solution for that site.
Glenreagh Heartstart Inc
$3,095.00 to Glenreagh Heartstart Inc in support of the purchase of an Electronic whiteboard for emergency relief coordination and to share information for the community of Glenreagh, when they seek support and information following natural disasters such as the recent bushfires and floods.
Little Wings Charity
$6,000.00 to Little Wings will support the recovery of communities affected by the 2019-20 bushfire disaster. Specifically the Program will provide direct medical support to seriously ill children (0-12yrs) and their families, to improve the resilience and wellbeing of children and decrease the likelihood of long-term adverse impacts.
Louisa Johnston Centre Inc
$5,000.00 to Louisa Johnton Centre Inc. in support of their Bonalbo Social Day to create an inclusive ‘Social Day’ for the residents of Bonalbo and surrounding rural areas with organised activities, morning tea and light lunch. Build a sense of community, purpose and togetherness for those who experience isolation and hardship in this rural area.
Mental Health Support Group
$10,000.00 to the Mental Health Support Group Supporting people whose lives have been disrupted by mental illness: providing household essentials as a hand up to starting a new life focused on rehabilitation & recovery.
Thrive 2484 It Takes A Town
$8,625.00 to It Takes A Town / Side by Side – nurturing connections to strengthen support & resilience. Creating small-scale networks across communities in the 2484 postcode, that are most at risk of fire and flood. We will facilitate repetitive connections to nurture trusting and supportive relationships. Through the connections, clusters will be supported to develop phone trees, disaster preparedness plans and kits, and positive means of staying connected (e.g. book clubs, walking groups, shared picnics). The focus is on facilitating connections ‘in good times’, in order to increase preparedness and responsiveness to each other in times of crisis.
The Shed of Hope Inc
$6,000.00 to The Shed of Hope Inc who support community members through connection. The effect of drought and summer bushfires has impacted many members of our community, leaving them struggling with everyday tasks, including shopping. Providing food hampers, gives the double benefit of not only delivering food, but using the opportunity to deliver this food and ask “Are you ok?”
Tweed Byron and Ballina Community Transport
$10,000.00 to Tweed Byron and Ballina Community Transport contribution towards a new vehicle for community transport. A small SUV will service our busy Tweed office, providing more trips for our elderly, disabled and otherwise transport disadvantaged clients. Our fleet is insufficient to meet demand, especially now that we are only travelling with only one client in the car to maximise social distancing.
Wollumbin Family Support Inc
$6,280.00 to the Wollumbin Family Support Inc’s ‘FINDING ME’ – A recovery 12 week program for women who have experienced domestic violence. Facilitated and evidence based, the program will promote self determination, self-efficacy and recovery from domestic violence by providing a safe, non-judgmental and inclusive environment where participants can access information, support, and connection.